My World

No pictures. Just sentences.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Aunt Zenith was my grandmother's older sister.

On occasion we would end up at her house around Christmastime and she would prepare a Christmas pie.

This was no ordinary pie. She took a box, attached ribbons to little toys, and poked the ribbons through the paper top of the pie.

Everybody present gathered around the "pie" and got to choose a ribbon and on the count of 3 everybody would pull and whatever was attached to their ribbon was their little gift.

I don't know where she got the idea from but I thought it was a fun idea.

I know I didn't get to go too often because we were usually having our own celebrations, but it was fun the times that I did.


  • At 10:12 PM, Blogger Marianne said…

    That's a great game. And Zenith is a great name! Did her siblings have cool names, too?

  • At 10:12 PM, Blogger Marianne said…

    That's a great game. And Zenith is a great name! Did her siblings have cool names, too?


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